Monday, January 26, 2009

I am no superwoman....

Me and hubby took our time deciding for this second baby as both of us believed in one thing, unless we were physically and emotionally ready for this baby, we should not bring a child in this world. I am not including financially in this because we are doing ok financially so that wasn't a big issue here. So now that our son is 4 years old, we really wanted us to have another baby and after thinking carefully we decided to go for it. I am glad to say everything worked out and I am now pregnant with our second baby.

So when I was talking to a friend of mine today who has recently had a baby and she said, I don't know how you are going to manage the second one, I can't seem to manage even one, I kind of knew this kind of questions were going to come some time or other. The best thing was though before this baby we really brain stormed lot of things and this was certainly the most important of all, how would we manage our second baby. The one thing that we both have realized from our first baby experience is to accept that we can't do everything all the time. I would be the first to say that my house after my first baby was born, did not look spick and spank for days. I really did not have enough energy to do anything apart from recover from my delivery and look after the baby. I certainly did not spend much time looking after myself or the house. But as time goes, you learn to do things more effectively or prioratize your tasks. We have had take-aways at times when we were trying to do too many baby things, LOL...But that has been fine too and that's the way to go...If you think you can work, look after the baby, cook every single day, clean every single day, have a bit of time for yourself to look good, give your partner some time then have my salute straight from the heart. In my case though I really had to try to accomodate as many things in my day as I can and still have some sanity left, so we gave up some things like ever clean house all the time or detailed three course meals on table every day. What seemed more important for both of us was for the baby to have happy environment which meant we needed to be happy and well rested so me and hubby took turns on who would wake up when our son needed a nappy change or who would give him next feed etc. This was the only way that we could both get some rest and yet spend some time with the baby and each other. So to all those new parents or parents to be for the second, third or even fourth time, just remember one thing, we are not all superwomen or supermen and we do not need to be. I am happy being myself and hey, just like everyone else, I have my flaws and I am fine with them.

So do not worry about everything around you. Ask for help from relatives or friends or whomever you can, its ok to need and ask for that help. I know that without my close family, it would not have been easy for me either. And from time to time, I had my doubts too but one thing that kept me going was the fact that my hubby always stood by me. There was no pressure about home made food, there were no sly remarks on the dirty laundry or the not so clean house. We both just thought we were in this together and we will give our best. And I am proud to say that he is my life partner as I would not have got a better life partner and I call him that here because he truly shares all my burdens, without complaning and considers me a human being just like himself. And that is why I say this proudly, I am no Superwoman and my life partner is also no Superman but one thing we both are....and that is proud parents to our children and loving couple, for me that's more than enough.

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